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Be curious about
Things to wonder about
Result that ignites your passion |
- Think of your work in terms of the result you help your customer achieve instead of what you physically do.
- With this in your heart, what is the result that when helping someone achieve it, ignites your passion.
Patience and curiosity to be excellent at |
- Excellence is process not a result.
- Essential to this process is the patience to give your work the great care and the curiosity to seek out what excellence is.
- With this in your heart, what do you have the patience and natural curiosity to be excellent at.
Feel at one with |
- Think about the the things in life that you intuitively understand, as if you have always known it, or it has always been a part of your life.
- Think about the things in life that you feel deeply at one at, even when you are feeling unsure, or vulnerable.
- What do you intuitively understand and feel deeply at one with while you are doing it.
Identify the common links |
- Think of work as providing your customer with their start, and the idea of you being responsible for it gets you feeling energized.
- Reflect on your insights for result, patience, curiosity and feeling at one with, and imagine it as a service, and accept that you can be excellent at.
Ideal customer experience
- The reason for having a standard is to help you go beyond what your like and know.
- In one sentence what is your ideal Customer’s Experience Standard for people working with you.
Ideal work experience |
- The reason for having a work experience standard is to help you find work that nourishes your soul and provides a sense of meaning and purpose.
- In one sentence what is your ideal Work Experience Standard.